In the year 2019, Janhvi Kapoor was cast in 'Dostana 2' under Karan Johar's banner. Kartik Aaryan and Lakshya Lalwani will be seen with the actress in this film. After shooting this film for 30 to 35 days, the makers put it on hold. Media reports said that the reason for this is the rift between Karthik and Karan. Janhvi Now actress Janhvi Kapoor has talked about this in an interview. In an interview, Janhvi said, 'We have shot this film for 30 to 35 days. I think everything was fine on the set. We were also shooting well. I really don't understand why this film was not released after all. I also tried to know and find out but I think it is due to Corona. Due to this, the film took a break of one and a half years and then the makers decided to start it again. When Janhvi was asked if this happened because of the fight between Karthik and Karan? So the actress said, 'I don't think anything like that has happened. I think for both of them their work is more important than anything else. But you have to ask them what happened between them and what didn't.'