Thursday , December 5 2024

Avoid eating not only tea and coffee but also these 7 things at night, eating makes you lose sleep.

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Avoid eating at night: Adequate sleep is essential for good health. But nowadays most people stay awake till midnight. Due to lack of sleep their sleep pattern changes. Many people do not sleep at night due to wrong eating habits. If you want a good sleep at night and want to sleep on time, then you should stop eating and drinking a few hours before going to bed. In particular, there are 7 things which should not be eaten or drunk at night. If these things are consumed before sleeping then sleep gets affected. So let us also tell you which things should be avoided before sleeping.

Avoid eating and drinking these things before sleeping

1. Coffee has high caffeine content. Which activates the nervous system. If coffee is consumed at night, sleep is lost. The effect of caffeine lasts for six to eight hours. Therefore one should avoid drinking coffee late at night.

2. Chocolate also contains a stimulant called theobromine. Which can increase the heart rate and prevent you from relaxing. Therefore, even if you feel like eating chocolate at night, avoid eating chocolate.

3. Eating spicy or fried food in the evening meal increases the acid in the stomach. Apart from dinner, if spicy food is eaten before sleeping then the problem of acid reflux occurs. Due to which sleep gets disturbed and restlessness persists throughout the night. Therefore, one should avoid fried and spicy food three to four hours before sleeping at night.

4. Eating things like burgers, French fries even at night makes the stomach heavy and causes indigestion. To save such things, the digestive system has to work harder, which affects sleep.

5. Drinking soda or other carbonated drinks at night also disturbs sleep. Such beverages contain high amounts of sugar and caffeine. Drinking these things before sleeping will spoil your sleep.

6. Lemon or other citrus fruits are acidic. If such fruits are eaten at night, acidity increases. Therefore, avoid eating sour fruits before sleeping at night.

7. Protein-rich foods take longer to digest. If a heavy meal containing protein is eaten at night, this happens after sleeping. Foods rich in protein should be avoided at night.