SAB TV’s popular show Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah has been entertaining the audience for a long time. However, controversies associated with this show also make headlines from time to time. Last year, Palak Sidhwani, who played the character of Sonu in the show, had made serious allegations against the show’s producer Asit Modi and the team. Palak had claimed that she was mentally harassed and her payment was stopped. After these controversies, Palak said goodbye to the show.
Now Asit Modi has given his reaction on these allegations. He revealed that Palak Sidhwani did not follow discipline on the sets, due to which she had to leave the show.
What did Asit Modi say on Palak Sidhwani?
Speaking to News18, Asit Modi said that Palak Sidhwani’s exit from the show was a result of her behavior and indiscipline. He said:
“Everyone has to work in discipline. We have to make 26 episodes every month, and this requires a discipline on the sets. This work cannot depend on anyone’s mood. Palak created a ruckus without any reason and did not follow discipline on the set.”
Did Palak break the contract?
Asit Modi also alleged that Palak violated her contract with the show. He said:
“People recognize you because of your character. Be it Palak or anyone else. All the characters of our show are positive and lovable. But if an artiste takes a step that harms the image of the show, it is unacceptable. Everyone has to follow the contract.”
Giving an example, he said that the audience recognizes the actors by the names of the characters, like people know Sharad by the name of Abdul Bhai.
Legal notice sent to Palak
When Asit Modi was asked whether a legal notice was sent to Palak Sidhwani, he confirmed and said:
“Yes, we asked them to work as per the contract. We were not refusing anything, but he should have talked to us first. He took decisions on his own free will, which was not acceptable. So we sent them a legal notice. Our aim was not to drag them to court, but to try to resolve things. But she was not ready to understand it, due to which this unnecessary controversy arose.”
Palak’s allegations and Asit Modi’s defense
In response to Palak Sidhwani’s allegations, Asit Modi clarified that he followed the discipline and contract terms for the show. He said that the cast benefits from the characters’ popularity, and that discipline is vital to maintaining the show’s positive image.