Former Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convenor Arvind Kejriwal, who is known for calling himself ‘staunchly honest’, has recently praised former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. This is the same Manmohan Singh, against whose government Kejriwal had launched an anti-corruption movement and laid the foundation for his removal from power.
Praise for ‘leader with clean intentions’
In an interview given to a YouTube channel, Arvind Kejriwal was asked that apart from him, there is which politician in the country whose intentions are absolutely clear? In response, Kejriwal said:
“Dr. Manmohan Singh was a very good leader. Was very honest.”
When the anchor said that Manmohan Singh was often misunderstood, Kejriwal agreed and said, “Yes.”
Corruption movement and Manmohan government
This comment is important from the point of view that till 2014, when the Manmohan Singh-led UPA-2 government was at the Centre, Arvind Kejriwal had launched an anti-corruption movement under the leadership of Anna Hazare.
- Demand for Lokpal Bill:
The focal point of this movement was the Lokpal Bill, regarding which many large demonstrations took place at places like Ramlila Maidan and Jantar Mantar in Delhi.
- Environment against the government:
Kejriwal and his team accused the Manmohan Singh government of major corruption, which created an atmosphere against him across the country.
- Election results:
The result was that Congress suffered a crushing defeat in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections and BJP came to power.
Formation of AAP and support of Congress
It was only after this movement that Aam Aadmi Party was formed. In 2013, AAP participated for the first time in the Delhi Assembly elections and formed the government with the support of Congress.
In the latest interview, Kejriwal gave clarification on the decision of taking support from Congress. He said:
“Congress had declared unconditional support and challenged us to fulfill our promises by forming the government. “After asking the public, we accepted the support.”
Demand to give Bharat Ratna to Manmohan Singh
After the demise of Manmohan Singh, Arvind Kejriwal and his party praised the former Prime Minister wholeheartedly. AAP MP Sanjay Singh even said that Manmohan Singh should be given Bharat Ratna.