Friday , March 7 2025

Anil Risal Singh



Lucknow, July 30 (HS). Hypothesis is better than knowledge, because a person tries to achieve his goal by giving his hundred percent on his hypothesis. The same thing applies to artists as well and an artist creates his art works based on his hypothesis. Such art works always give a message to the society. These things were said by famous photographer Anil Risal Singh on Tuesday while encouraging the research artistes of Lalit Kala Academy.

On Tuesday, a lecture program based on the works of working artists/researchers was held at the regional center of Lalit Kala Academy, Aliganj Lucknow, titled 'Vardhani' (PPT presentation). In the program, the works of sculpture researcher Lalit Kumar Chaurasia and photography researcher Suresh Kumar Saurabh working at the center were presented. Suresh Kumar Saurabh has done various types of photography on new subjects of Banaras like market-city, streets, sages-saints, Aughad etc. in each of his photographs. Saurabh told in his presentation that he has tried to capture the subtlety of the subject along with its entire environment on the camera screen. Lalit Kumar Chaurasia presented his stone and terracotta works of art and also shared his thoughts with everyone during the creation of his works. His creations are based on nature and heritage.

Guest of the program, renowned photographer Anil Risal Singh said that both the artists presented their works of art in their respective genres, which is commendable. He also highlighted the difference between photography of a photographer and that of a common man and shared his artistic journey with other artists.

Special guest retired IPS Sanjay Kumar said that this program is inspirational for other artists and this is a commendable step of Regional Center Lucknow. Regional Secretary Dr. Devendra Tripathi said that Vardhani is a series of monthly programs. Through this program every month some working artists and researchers of the center present their creations in front of art lovers, artists, art students so that young artists can get more information about art. On this occasion Venu Gopal Parashar, Sheetansu Gupta Maurya, Rajiv Pratap Singh, Prem Sagar Sharma, Saumya Agrahari, Gyanendra Mishra, Dr. Ajay Pathak, Dr. Deepa Pathak were present.
