Acidity problem: Gas is a common problem which troubles many people. This is seen a lot these days. There are many reasons for gas formation in the stomach. These include unhealthy diet and poor daily habits. Apart from this, some food items which are difficult to digest also do not cause problem of gas in the stomach. We all have heard about stomach pain due to flatulence. But experts say that sometimes if the gas is not able to come out, it reaches the brain. it is very dangerous.
Gas formation in the digestive system is part of the normal process of digestion. It comes out of the body by burping or farting. But if the problem of gas persists for a long time, many types of diseases occur in the body. Many people take this problem of gas lightly. This causes serious problems like constipation, weight loss, diarrhea and vomiting or nausea.
symptoms of stomach gas
Stomach gas can cause many symptoms. Stomach feels full when there is gas. Symptoms of gas include frequent belching, stomach pain, cramps or feeling bloated. Apart from this, feeling pressure or swelling in the stomach can also cause gas formation. Due to this problem the stomach starts bloating a little. Along with flatulence, flatulence can also cause many other problems like blood in stool, change in color of stool, weight loss, constipation or diarrhea, nausea or vomiting and chest pain.
Common causes of stomach gas
Nuts and pulses are rich in fiber. It is difficult to digest this. This may cause gas and bloating. Other high-fiber foods include broccoli, cabbage, cucumber, cauliflower, green peas and Brussels sprouts. Apart from this, consumption of fried foods and flour is also harmful.
dairy products
Dairy products contain lactose. This is a type of sugar that is difficult to digest. Some people have lactose resistance, which means they do not have the enzymes needed to digest lactose. From this gas Problems like diarrhea and swelling occur.
carbonated drinks
Carbonated drinks contain carbon dioxide gas. This may cause gas and swelling in the stomach. Due to this, many types of problems start occurring in the body. Therefore, it would be better if you avoid consuming carbonated drinks.
artificial sweeteners
Consuming artificial sweeteners like sorbitol and xylitol can cause gas and diarrhea. It contains artificial sweeteners, acesulfame potassium, aspartame, nimote, saccharin and sucralose. Consuming sweets also reduces the chances of diabetes.
high fat foods
Fatty food slows down the functioning of the stomach. This significantly increases the chances of gas and bloating.
Alcohol consumption causes many health problems. This does not cause problems like burning sensation, gas and bloating in the stomach.