Mumbai: Overall business sentiment has improved in the June quarter of the current fiscal year and a large number of companies are planning to increase hiring in the next six months, according to a survey report by the National Council for Applied Economic Research (NCAR)-NSE.
The percentage of firms that believe that the overall economic situation will improve in the next six months has increased to 71.20 in the first quarter of the current financial year from 65.80 in the fourth quarter of 2022-23.
Of the companies surveyed, 32 percent said they were planning to increase hiring of managerial and skilled personnel. This percentage was 30.60 in the last quarter of the previous financial year.
The report said the number of companies expecting improvement in their financial position at 67 per cent is noteworthy as it is the highest after 76 per cent seen in the third quarter of 2010-11.
497 companies from six cities of the country were included in this survey.