Raghav Juyal and Lakshya's film 'Kill' was released in theatres on July 5. The film is being discussed continuously on social media. It is being said about the film that it will be the most violent film of the country. Actor Lakshya, who worked in the film, has also said that he tortured himself during the shooting of the film.
Kill actor Raghav has also praised co-star Lakshya in an interview. He said that an action hero like Lakshya has not been seen for decades. Anger is visible in Lakshya's eyes in the film. Responding to a question, Lakshya said, 'He used to torture himself during the shooting of the film. I used to sleep less a day before the shooting so that my eyes look swollen during the shooting. After shooting for 12-14 hours, I used to sleep only for four hours so that my eyes look swollen the next day of the shooting.' He said that he also underwent major changes mentally and stopped meeting friends. Lakshya also gave credit to the co-stars and said that the performance of the co-stars was also good. Tanya's performance kept me connected to my character. He could feel pain and emotion. I started hating Raghav's character. Many things became real on the set.
Lakshya said that maintaining physical and emotional continuity was the biggest challenge. He used to listen to such songs that the atmosphere became like a film. It is worth noting that the film premiered at the Toronto Film Festival last year. Nagesh Bhatt has taken over the direction of the film.