In Brazil, St. John the Baptist festival is celebrated similar to Holi in India. This festival has been organized for 92 years. Just like Holi is lit in India, in this festival organized in the city of Engai in Brazil, a 13-storey i.e. 38 meter long tower is made from pieces of wood. After that it is burnt.
People from all over the country come to celebrate this festival. When this 13-storey tower is lit, its flames seem to reach the sky. This tradition started in 1931 in the oldest church of the city. This type of bonfire is organized every year. Due to this, more than twenty thousand tourists come to the town with a population of barely two thousand. People have a unique attraction towards this festival.
Apart from this, local people also jump on this fire altar. This is also a tradition there. We do not jump and dance on Holi there, but in Brazil people jump and dance after the fire. The specialty of the wood used to light the bonfire here is that all of it is obtained from reforestation.