Monday , January 13 2025

Management measures and precautions

Fissure And Piles Thumbnail 1736

Fissures and piles are two common problems that can make people feel uncomfortable. Both have similar symptoms, and occur when there is pressure on the veins in the anus, causing them to swell. Due to straining during defecation, these veins become weak and take the form of warts, which are called piles. Bad lifestyle and wrong eating habits are the main causes of these problems. Let us know how the problem of fissures and piles can be managed naturally.

What to do in case of fissure-piles problem:

  1. Eat less salt food.
  2. Drink 15-20 glasses of water daily.
  3. Eat more bottle gourd, ridge gourd, round gourd, snake gourd and peeled vegetables.
  4. Consume more salad.
  5. Drink more water along with pulses and green vegetables.
  6. Consume more seasonal fruits like papaya and watermelon.
  7. Include milk, curd and buttermilk in your diet.
  8. Drink lukewarm milk after eating.
  9. Eat home cooked food.
  10. Drink lukewarm water in the morning.
  11. Take a walk every morning.
  12. Practice yoga and breathing exercises.
  13. Eat two bowls of vegetables/dal with one roti.

What not to do in case of fissure-piles problem:

  1. Avoid smoking, alcohol and tobacco.
  2. Do not eat meat, fish, eggs or spicy food.
  3. Avoid tea, coffee and cold drinks.
  4. Do not consume too much salt or sugar.
  5. Avoid junk food like pizza, burgers and things made from refined flour.
  6. Do not eat fried food.
  7. Avoid sour or spicy food.
  8. Do not sit or stand in one position for a long time, especially when there is strain or pain.
  9. Avoid positions that cause constipation or excessive strain during bowel movements.
  10. Do not consume milk immediately after or with sour food.

By following these suggestions, you can manage the problem of fissures and piles naturally and improve your health.