Crocodile found in income tax raid at BJP leader’s house in MP A shocking incident has come to light from Sagar district of Madhya Pradesh. Here the Income Tax Department team raided the house of the BJP leader. During this time, four crocodiles came out of the house. The matter was informed to the forest department, after which the crocodiles were rescued. A case has been registered in this regard under the Wildlife Protection Act.
Who is Rajesh Kesarwani?
Income Tax Department officials said that this raid has been conducted on the premises associated with BJP leader Rajesh Kesarwani. Rajesh is a beedi manufacturer, building contractor and former BJP councilor. However, no Income Tax Department official talked about the recovery of the crocodile.
What did the forest force chief say?
Madhya Pradesh Forest Force Chief Aseem Srivastava said that a case has been registered in this matter under the Wildlife Protection Act. The health of the crocodiles is being checked. Complete information about this matter will be given to the court and further action will be taken as per law. However, Aseem Srivastava did not tell the total number of crocodiles found and whose house it belonged to. Sources say that a total of four crocodiles were found in the house.
Sensation spread in the area
The Forest Department has started rescuing crocodiles and sending them to safe places. Officials say that the condition of these crocodiles is normal and after the health checkup is completed, they will be shifted to a safe place. After this incident of finding crocodile near the house, sensation spread in the surrounding area. People started discussing why crocodiles are kept in the house. The case is being investigated.