Saturday , November 23 2024

9 people including two women were arrested in the case of drug trafficking, a total of 430 grams of heroin and two mobile phones were recovered during the search.

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Ludhiana: Ludhiana Police has detained a total of nine people, including two women, in a drug trafficking case. Police registered a case against the accused under provisions of the NDPS Act and recovered 430 grams of heroin and 2 mobile phones from their possession. ASI Jaswinder Singh said that the police party was going from Cheema Chowk towards Dr. Ambedkar Colony during patrolling. Meanwhile, the police party found two youths and a woman standing. Those who were arrested on suspicion were searched and 160 grams of heroin was recovered from their possession. He said that the arrested people have been identified as Badal Rana, Chand and Reena Vasiyan of Dr. Ambedkar Colony.

In the second case, ASI Raj Kumar told that he was present with the police party near Park Cheema Chowk, where on the information of the informer, Lucky, Rahul Kumar and Neetu alias Mada Vasiyan were raided in Dr. Ambedkar Nagar, Ludhiana and their capture. 105 grams of heroin was recovered from him. While giving information about the second case, investigating officer Sohan Lal said that during patrolling, the police arrested three people near the power house and recovered 165 grams of heroin and two mobile phones from their possession. Those arrested have been identified as Abhishek Thapar, Gopi alias Sunny and Shubham Bains alias Dabba Wasiyan. Ambedkar Nagar is known as Ludhiana. According to the police, a case has been registered under the NDPS Act against a total of 9 people, including two women, in all three cases.