Under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) scheme, the next i.e. 19th installment is likely to be released to the farmers in January or February 2025. According to media reports, this installment can be deposited in the accounts of the beneficiaries in the first week of February 2025. However, the official date is yet to be confirmed.
Timing and possibility of previous installments
Looking at last year’s installments, this time also the installment is likely to be released in February:
- 16th installment: 28 February 2024.
- 17th installment: May 2024.
- 18th installment: October 2024.
Accordingly, the 19th installment may arrive in February 2025.
PM-Kisan Scheme: At a glance
PM-KISAN Scheme is a major initiative launched to provide financial assistance to small and marginal farmers.
- Benefit:
- ₹6,000 annual assistance to eligible farmers.
- This amount is deposited directly into bank accounts in three installments of ₹2,000 each.
- Objective:
- Help in meeting agricultural and household expenses.
- The government bears the entire cost of the scheme.
- Installments to be released in 2025:
- 19th installment: January/February.
- 20th installment.
- 21st installment.
What will the beneficiaries have to do?
To avail the installment, farmers have to complete the following steps:
1. E-KYC Verification
- Update e-KYC by visiting your nearest CSC center or pmkisan.gov.in.
2. Land Verification
- Make sure your land records are verified in the government database.
3. Link Aadhaar to bank account
- It is mandatory to link your Aadhaar number with bank account to avoid delay in payment.
4. E-KYC Application
- Apply for e-KYC update on the government website.